Thursday, October 2, 2008

Your Dear Narrator Begins

My life is oft times, begrudgingly, a cheap "Curb Your Enthusiasm" imitation. As I began my reflections for this blog, I couldn't help but notice how screwed up I am. Don't get me wrong -- it's not that I'm totally insane (although a former girlfriend once jokingly described me as "charming and alluring in a cute sociopathic kind of way"). It's just that, despite having grand adventures and accomplishments during my many years, the volume of minutia that the mind retains never ceases to amaze me. And my minutia is large. know what I mean.

I once was asked on one of my corporate management surveys to describe what I felt was my psychological makeup. To my self-amusement I contemplated putting my real thoughts: ADD, OCD, delusions of grandeur, and a slight twinge of aversion to authority. Suffice it to say, I put ambitious and loyal. See--I'm Joe Everyman. The point is, I really don't go through life feeling awkwardly out of place with my strange little thoughts and idiotic sense of humor. I've learned to embrace the reality of being human. I recommend it to's a whole lot less stressful than hypocrisy.

Being my first installment, I assume you're probably wondering what this blog's point is going to be. It occurred to me one night that reliving my life through these writings might be psychologically healthy for me. Most people chart their lives at the major points. You know, the broad sweeping eras and prominent milestones. As for me, I've always been obsessed with what makes people tick, including myself. For the sake of ease, I'll call it my "Every Little Thing That Happens to Us, Good and Bad, That Warps Us Into The Current Jackasses We Are" theory. In addition to simply telling my story, there might be the occassional thought thrown out there on current events occurring as I post.

With that being said my dear reader, we have a lot of catching up to do and we can begin taking my wierd ride with my next post. I promise not to hold anything back that occurs to me along the way. I figure that by charting my journey, I just might be able to have the ole psychological epiphany. And maybe...just might be able to pick up something along the way, too.